A début rant
I have recently become both ludicrously excited and quite irritated at the upcoming release of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy as a major motion picture, or as I call it, a fillum. The book is among the most fantastic things in the world ever. Fact, not opinion. So I am pleased that, after a good quarter century of people entering the room and breathing, the steak is finally cooked*.
*this is a reference.
However, despite an April release date in UK and US, it's not coming out in France until August. This is a point of irritation for people who live in France and can't wait to see the fillum, frog sample me. Even the United forking Arab flying Emirates* get to see it by June.
*censored for strong language and possible incitement of racial hatred.
Seventhly, Marvin is Wrong. Behold:

Marvin as he appears in this year's fillum version of The Hitchhiker's Guide
Thank you to Disney for investing in the project and making it happen, but did you really have to disnefy Marvin? He is not cute. He is not loveable. Nor should he follow your mouse around like he does on the official movie site www.hitchhikersmovie.com - he has a brain the size of a planet, he is not a puppy dog. And Alan Rickman's voice is also Wrong. Marvin should have a doleful mechanical voice (if possible), but instead he conjours an uncomfortable image of professor Snape in a dwarf suit.
Having said that, the rest of it looks fine, judging by ye trailers. Mos Def is not exactly ginger haired and lanky, but you can't have everything. And Zaphod's two heads probably would have been a little too difficult to juggle for an entire feature length thingy.
All trailers, and plenty of piccies, available at the Official Site
That's Marvin? I always thought he would be taller...
Hello random person. I wasn't around to see the original TV series, but found some shots of Marvin on the BBC site. He looks a lot more, well, Marvinlike. And yes, taller.
The book says he's a "metal man" and slightly "hunched" with the weight of his brain. This suggests he is supposed to be average human size. Mmm, textual analysis. I feel like a religious scholar.
Meanwhile, you appear to be Scottish. If you see the fillum and happen to drop by here again before August, feel free to post a quick review.
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