My left arm is the wrong colour
The Parc André Citroën is one of Paris' best parks and you ought to go to it if you haven't been there yet. However, it will tempt you to spend faaaaaaar too long in the sun. Yes, kids, I have again tried something out so you don't have to. Wear sunscreen.
(Now that really does sound like the Baz Luhrman song, doesn't it, Mr(s) anonymous poster of two months back?)
Meanwhile, following a visit to the Salon de l'Aéronautique at le Bourget on Friday, I can confirm that this A380 megajumbo thing does actually fly:

I had the presence of mind to take this picture while standing on a tightrope between two hot air balloons.
The four-minute A380 flight was the obvious highlight, although a special mention should go to the Tiger helicopter, which went up into the sky like normal but then did some very wrong things that would have irritated my old Physics teacher.
This may be the last blogpost in a while due to the entire up-in-air nature of life currently.
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