Episode 15: in which Timber moves into a hotel
I quite liked that KT Tunstall single until I heard it for the eighty-ninth time and this thought came into my head: Song 2 on valium. Woo-hoo.
In the summer of 2005 two very unusual and odd, but ultimately quite positive things happened: firstly, England started beating Australia repeatedly at cricket; secondly, I ended up with what could almost be described as a full time job, with a flat bang in the centre of the city.
This is a chair. You have probably just fallen out of yours, so please do get back on it. Timberblog accepts no liability.
Yes, I have managed to solve my rent-paying woes by the (ok, hold on, this is the clever bit) frankly ingenious ruse of finding people who give me a room in exchange for the tremendously taxing task of - wait for it, wait for it - sleeping there. This is apparently known in the trade as being a "guardien de nuit" and is common practise in many small hotels, including as it so happens my arty little hotel in the Marais. Chief Leaf and David Amazinglish have both visited since I moved in, and the general consensus appears to be "cool". I'm not complaining, but I'd be marginally happier if the installation my boss grandiosely calls a "fridge" was not, in reality, a mini-bar of uselessly minute proportions.
Between however many jobs I have at the moment (think it's just the five currently, which makes at least 15 since the year 2000), a swift calculation shows I work something like a 60-hour week. Ok, so I'm asleep for more than half of them, but that's not the point. 60 hours! Man, it's a tough life.
Eddy the crooner has supplied me with some income for writing and recording two songs with him recently. The first is sombre variétés-rock, while the second is a shameful piano-ballad-by-numbers which the French will doubtless think is magnifique and buy in droves. Eddy claims to have really good contacts at Sony and Universal, but then so does every other aspiring singer ever. If anyone wants a listen, send me a request by email and I'll get the mp3 to you as soon as it's finished. This may take a few more weeks yet depending onstudio schedules.
(Earlier this summer, I also recorded a cover of Ben E King's "Stand By Me", but on that particular occasion the singer was Chakkers of Royal Escort, featuring my good self on rap vocals, and the entire production took place in my old flat. Anyone wishing to make a comparison should send Chakkers a request by email, which might makehim get his arse in gear as he still hasn't even managed to send it to me yet.)
Right, need to tidy room, as Faybo in her ultimate wisdom decided at the weekend that she is arrving at my place tomorrow.