Monday, October 17, 2005

Gigging at the Louvre

Today we entertained the visitors at the Paris expat fair (see, held in a salle d'exposition at the Caroussel du Louvre. In exchange we had a promotional stand for the day. This resulted in Clara trying to smalltalk the dude flogging courses in wine-tasting from the stand next door, while the carte blanche opportunity to approach unwitting young ladies and give them flyers produced a strange and unprecedented enthusiasm for marketing from Flo and yours truly.

Added bonus - the organisers presented us with gift boxes of wine and foie gras at the end of the day. Not that I eat foie gras. But, you know.

Meanwhile, it has been brought to my attention that yesterday's entry was a little inaccessible to the average reader. The exact terms used: "your a sad bastard". Thank you dear, your comments are much appreciated, and all criticism is noted. And will be used back at you next time you regale me with your enthralling tales of being stuck at Manchester airport, which once nearly distracted me from looking at the wallpaper.

Oh, and you can't spell.


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