Yellow Devil Duckie. Yes.
Devil duckie, you're the one, you make bathtime lots of fun, Devil duckie, I'm awfully dirty today (woh, woh, bee day!)
Devil duckie, when you float, it's like I'm bathing in a flaming moat! Devil duckie, you're my very best friend, hurray! (doo, doo, doo, dee day!)

Every day when I make my way to be clean I find a little fella who's red and yellow and mean (Rub-a-dub-keen!)
Devil duckie you're so swell, you guide me on my path to hell, Devil duckie, I'm awfully dirty - Devil duckie, you're a naughty birdy - Devil duckie, I'm awfully dirty today.
Devil duckie, when you float, it's like I'm bathing in a flaming moat! Devil duckie, you're my very best friend, hurray! (doo, doo, doo, dee day!)

Every day when I make my way to be clean I find a little fella who's red and yellow and mean (Rub-a-dub-keen!)
Devil duckie you're so swell, you guide me on my path to hell, Devil duckie, I'm awfully dirty - Devil duckie, you're a naughty birdy - Devil duckie, I'm awfully dirty today.
See what I mean about secret santa presents? Thanks Caspar. Shame I, er, don't have a bath.
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