Rolling Stones, Stade de France
Just testing the "blog this" feature on Flickr. This is where I was on Friday night! Well, a bit further back. And to the left. But, you know.
Timber's handy guide to things, generally (mostly in English)
Just testing the "blog this" feature on Flickr. This is where I was on Friday night! Well, a bit further back. And to the left. But, you know.
I happily purchased a bolognese pastry thing from Franny P the other day, took it out of its box, and found it in a cardboard sleeve thing (for microwaving) labelled Qwik Crisp. In the great pantheon of bad franglicisms, this comes fairly high, although its purely spelling-based badness means it can't quite compete with le relooking (a grammatically incorrect compound of what is already the wrong word) and the unforgiveably awful le pin's (greengrocer's apostrophe creating a bad plural which is then casually used as the singular with not the slightest regard for anything).
Quite apart from not being able to live in the same place for any length of time - 24 years of Timber and 13 addresses so far - I am also, since my first job as a paper delivery boy at the ripe old age of 14, proving to be remarkably inept at keeping the same job for more than a few months at a time. Or indeed even remaining within vaguely the same field of work.