Ich spiele gern im Schnee
Earlier it snowed, so I decided to bring forward one of my new year's resolutions and went out to buy a digital camera. Unfortunately by the time I'd got it, the good snow had finished, and it had started to rain, producing that monged dirty sludge that no-one is particularly fond of. But I took some pictures anyway, because I had a new digital camera, and I wanted to use it.

Piccy = looking back at the Rive Droite from the Île St Louis.
Experts project that, now I can add my own pictures to this site, Timberblog will become approximately 37% more interesting.
Meanwhile my second, and more valid, new year's resolution (I've never even made one before, and now I'm making two... it must be the pollution... and I've decided 2006 is going to be an auspicious year) is to find somewhere, anywhere, where I can play cricket in the Paris region. I really need to play cricket. The other night I dreamt about delivering leg breaks in the nets, which excited me so much that I promptly woke up in the small hours and couldn't go back to sleep again without finding information on the internet about cricket clubs in France and sending emails off to them.
No, I'm not jumping on the Ashes bandwagon. In fact, this is more a result of the recent poor showing in Pakistan. England desperately need a leg-spinner, who unlike our current incompetents can actually get some turn on the ball. The solution I am suggesting here is me. Cricket is the one sport I was ever not terrible at. I regularly bamboozled the opposition batsmen in my youth, and once achieved figures of 4 for 3 in a glorious 100-run defeat of Sonning C of E in the East Reading Primary School 16-over league when I was 10. With a fair amount of application and a proper training schedule I expect I could get on the next tour to the subcontinent.
Meanwhile my second, and more valid, new year's resolution (I've never even made one before, and now I'm making two... it must be the pollution... and I've decided 2006 is going to be an auspicious year) is to find somewhere, anywhere, where I can play cricket in the Paris region. I really need to play cricket. The other night I dreamt about delivering leg breaks in the nets, which excited me so much that I promptly woke up in the small hours and couldn't go back to sleep again without finding information on the internet about cricket clubs in France and sending emails off to them.
No, I'm not jumping on the Ashes bandwagon. In fact, this is more a result of the recent poor showing in Pakistan. England desperately need a leg-spinner, who unlike our current incompetents can actually get some turn on the ball. The solution I am suggesting here is me. Cricket is the one sport I was ever not terrible at. I regularly bamboozled the opposition batsmen in my youth, and once achieved figures of 4 for 3 in a glorious 100-run defeat of Sonning C of E in the East Reading Primary School 16-over league when I was 10. With a fair amount of application and a proper training schedule I expect I could get on the next tour to the subcontinent.