See extra photoage

In a fit of late night creativity and HTML-meddling, I have added a little jobby to the side bar thing which means you can take a gander at a few piccies of mine on flickr.
The photos I have made available to the general public are those of landscapes and buildings taken around the world (well, Europe at least). If you want to see piccies of, like, people, then you'll need to 1. have your own flickr account and 2. add me as a "friend" or "family" depending on how intimate you're feeling at that particular moment.
Meanwhile I would like everyone to sit back and appreciate the unabashed gloriousness that is Reading FC this season.
Consider changing your flickr pictures to three vertical ones instead of three horizontal ones. Those of us without widescreen laptops get something looking a bit like this.
Ooh. You took my advice, yet didn't in an inadvertent example of Timfoolery.
You complete pile of Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.
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