Toujours frôler le désastre

Timberblog once again answers those questions of space and time that you have always needed to know. This time we deal with: is it possible to finish teaching a lesson in Vanves at 15h and catch a Thalys at 15h55 (and still have time to divert and buy a sandwich at the legendary St Lazare sandwich shop)? The answer is apparently so, as long as you don't mind getting to the Gare du Nord at 15h53 and having to catch the back end of the train. The back end of the train which goes to Köln. Not Amsterdam.
Fortunately you have enough time at Bruxelles-Midi to get off and run up to the front end which, rather more helpfully, is going to Amsterdam.
And so it was that I kept up my record of nearly missing the train every single time we do a festival. The Thalys arrived at Centraal Station at 20h leaving me half an hour to find the Rozentheater, which turned out to be 29 minutes' walk away, just down the road from Westerkirk and Anne Frank's old place. I came in and took my seat in the front row. "Oh, sorry, that seat's reserved," said someone. "Yes, it's reserved for me," I said (this is a satisfying thing to be able to say).
I wasn't performing until Friday so made my way into town on Thursday. After becoming very frustrated at the lack of decent record shops I finally found quite a good one just off Dam square. One thing I may have inherited from my mother is the inability to resist a bargain, and this place was full of them. My DVD collection promptly increased five fold (in my defence, I only had one DVD before last week).
The final members of our group arrived on Thursday evening and we drank at a place run by a woman who seemed to be called Nelis and who had decorated the bar with photos of her entire life.
On Friday it decided to be sunny, and as a result I had to go out and take all my pictures again. A selection will be uploaded to Flickr shortly. Our show (and the hour of work for which I had deserved this free 5-day trip to the Netherlands) wasn't a vintage one, but didn't stop us from making fools of ourselves on the karaoke night afterwards. We had a few fans up from Paris to see us, one of whom took some excellent photos, that you can see here.
I finished my explorations of the city over the weekend. Found that, despite not speaking a word of Dutch, it's strangely easy to understand newspapers (it helps when the word for "since" is "sinds", "news" is "nieuws", and "Sunday night" is "Zondag nacht" - and so on). Hmm, I thought, looking at the Apartments To Rent page. I could live here.
I'd visit you in Amsterdam every month, however.
So You Really Don't Want To Move There.
On the other hand, I go to Paris far more often than I go to Amsterdam, so I'd be much more easy to avoid.
So It Might Be In Your Best Interest To Move There.
(Interest or interests? I can't decide.)
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